Practice Skin Icing! The Ice Ball is a silicone mold in which you can freeze water, coconut milk or a mixture of your favorite natural ingredients to achieve better benefits or treat specific problems.
Benefits that you can achieve:
/ Reduces dark circles and eye bags
/ Excellent for preparing your skin before putting on makeup
/ Helps close and minimize pores
/ Fights against wrinkles
/ Increases blood flow
/ Reduces acne, blemishes and spots
Size: 2.5 inches
1. Select the ingredients you want to freeze for your Skin-Icing treatment. It can be simply water, coconut milk or some other natural ingredients with skincare properties such as lemon, green tea, cucumber, rose etc ...
2. With the base of the mold resting on a flat surface, fill the ball through top hole until full. Once the selected ingredient is frozen, remove the lower part of the mold. Keep the top part so you can comfortably pass the ball across your face.
3. Allow a few minutes to pass before applying the ice directly to your skin. Slide the Ice ball all over your face with upward circular movements, applying the ice for no more than 2 seconds in each area. We advise not to extend the treatment for more than 5 minutes. If your skin is sensitive, it is recommended to cover the ice with a tissue or fine cotton gauze so as not to apply the ice directly on the skin.
4. You can practice SKIN ICING in the morning, at night, or at any time just before applying your make up if you want your skin to have a GLOW and the make up to last longer.
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